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Annika Lundkvist joins the PLUS Change project as an advocate for walkability and community agriculture.

Annika Lundkvist is the founder of, a platform devoted to issues of sustainable urbanism and with a focus on walkability. She approaches issues of urban resilience from a transdisciplinary perspective and quality of life lens. She values continuously crafting a holistic approach as well as learning from diverse best practices globally. At Pedestrian Space, she is also focused on increasing media advocacy and public engagement on issues of urban and community agriculture.

Annika is currently a PhD student at the Anthropos Doctoral School and Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization in Warsaw, pursuing research on issues of walkability via a 15-minute city lens.

What community or organisation are you representing in the project?

Annika is representing Pedestrian Space, the issues of walkability as well as community and urban agriculture in PLUS Change

What motivated you to apply to become an ambassador?

I thought that working with PLUS Change looked like a very interesting opportunity to take part in a dynamic project as well as offer representation on issues of walkability. Via participating, I hope to both share as well as gain knowledge and also serve as a liaison to the topics I am representing.

How does your work correspond with PLUS Change?

Healthy, vibrant walkable communities are dependent on well planned and equitable land use. I am looking forward in particular to collaborating with the practice cases in PLUS Change regarding both best practice and barriers in their specific local contexts regarding walkability, to include quality, affordable public transportation.

Issues of food systems and human consumption are inextricably tied to biodiversity, climate change and human well-being. Various forms of crises such as war, pandemics, natural disasters & severe supply-chain disruption can drastically alter availability of food for communities. Annika’s work on community and urban agriculture focuses on both the benefits and challenges of supporting community and urban agriculture and how this activity can help to shape local food security, food literacy and resilience.

What are you looking forward to in the coming years?

I am looking forward to continuing to shape my holistic lens and approach through collaborative research, work and practise with others also working towards positive change for resilient communities.