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Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world

PLUS Change is funded by the Horizon Europe programme and aims to develop strategies and decision-making processes for land use that effectively address challenges related to climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being.

The project encompasses interventions across diverse political, economic, societal, material, and cultural contexts, involving actors at multiple decision-making levels including the individual, land management, planning, and policy levels. Its objective is to generate knowledge and drive transformative change towards a sustainable world.

Practice Cases



PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 20: Leuphana

In the twentieth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce The Leuphana University Lüneburg, located in Germany.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 19: Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR)

In the nineteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, lead partner for the practice case of Three Countries Park (3LP).

Workshop 1 in Green Karst

On the 17th of April 2024 we held the first workshop in the frame of the PLUS Change project. The event was integrated with the introduction to regional spatial planning in our region, which is starting this year.

PLUS Change General Assembly in Brussels

The PLUS Change project held its first General Assembly in Brussels, Belgium, from May 27th to 29th, 2024. Hosted by the Vlaamse Landmaatschappij, the assembly brought together all 23 project partners for a series of productive discussions and collaborative sessions.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 18: Surrey County Council (CC)

In the eighteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Surrey County Council, practice case of Surrey, in the United Kingdom.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 17: the South Moravian Agency for Public Innovation (JINAG)

In the seventeenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the South Moravian Agency for Public Innovation (JINAG), lead partner for the practice case of the South Moravian region, in Czech Republic.

Workshop 1 in Surrey

Workshop 1 was held in a community setting in Ashford, Surrey, aligning with their ongoing work with Natural England as part of a pilot for a Health, Wellbeing, Nature & Sustainability toolkit.

Meet the Advisory Board: Tibor Hartel

The PLUS Change Project has welcomed its fourth Advisory Board member, Tibor Hartel, an ecologist specialised in human-nature connections.

Workshop 1 in Flanders

On March 20th, Flanders held its first workshop, led by the Vlaamse Landmaatschappij.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 16: Île-de-France Region (FR)

In the eighteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Île-de-France Region.

Workshop 1 in Île-de-France

On March 29, 2024, Practice Case Île-de-France hosted its first workshop with stakeholders from the region. The workshop served to introduce the PLUS Change project and begin the process of identifying key actors to champion the integration of climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being into local land-use planning.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 15: The Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (VLM)

In the fifteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (VLM), Flemish Land Agency, lead partner for the practice case of the Flanders, in Belgium.

Meet the Advisory Board: Siddharth Sareen

The PLUS Change Project has welcomed a third Advisory Board member, Siddharth Sareen. As an interdisciplinary social scientist, he specialises in the governance of energy transitions.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 14: The Mazovian Office of Regional Planning (MBPR)

In the fourteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning (MBPR), for the practice case of the Mazovia Region.

Workshop 1 in Nitra City

On 24 January 2024, Nitra Practice Case held its first workshop, attended by 40 stakeholders from a range of backgrounds.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 13: Verein Parc Ela

In the nineteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce Parc Ela, located in Switzerland.

Raising awareness of ethics, equity and justice in land use change processes

As part of Work Package 1 dedicated to supporting transdisciplinary integration, Guido Caniglia and Marina Knickel of the KLI team are now guiding the project partners’ to reflect and learn whether and how issues of ethics, equity and justice are considered in land use change processes.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 12: RRA Zeleni Kras

In the twelfth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce PRA Zeleni Kras, practice partner with the region Green Karst.

Possible Landscapes kicks off in Amsterdam

The Possible Landscapes sessions have kicked off in our Practice Cases, starting with Metropolitan Region Amsterdam (MRA), hosted by the Vrije Universiteit and centered around the Zaanstreek-Waterland region.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 11: Provincia di Lucca

In the eleventh edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Provincia of Lucca, the representative authority of our Italian Practice Case.

Meet the Advisory Board: Sarah Velten

The PLUS Change Project recently welcomed two external advisory board members who will provide guidance throughout the project, offering their knowledge and expertise on topics related to sustainable land use. In this post, we introduce Sarah Velten, an environmental scientist working in the fields of biodiversity and sustainable agriculture.

Meet the Advisory Board: Marjan van Herwijnen

The PLUS Change Project recently welcomed two external advisory board members who will provide guidance throughout the project, offering their knowledge and expertise on topics related to sustainable land use. We begin by introducing Marjan van Herwijnen, a senior project expert specialised in territorial analysis.

Workshop 1 launches in Practice Cases

The PLUS Change workshops have begun in our Practice Cases! This first round of workshops brings together relevant stakeholders to introduce the project and start discussions on key land use challenges in each of the Practice Case areas.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 10: KnowlEdge SRL (KE)

In the tenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce Knowledge SRL (KE), an environmental consultancy headquartered in Italy with an international presence.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 9: University of Ljubljana (UL)

In the ninth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Landscape as a Living Environment research group, from the University of Ljubljana (UL), in Slovenia.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 8: Baltic Studies Centre (BSC)

In the eighth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Baltic Studies Centre (BSC), located in Riga, Latvia.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 7: UKF Nitra

In the seventh edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Constantine the Philospher University (UKF Nitra), located in Slovakia.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 6: The ISOCARP Institute

In the sixth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the ISOCARP Institute, an urban think tank based in the Hague.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 5: Centre for Systems Solutions

In the fifth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Centre for Systems Solutions (CRS).

Open Call: Seeking Applicants for the PLUS Change Ambassadors of Change programme

We are looking for individuals to join our Ambassador programme, contributing to discussions on equitable land use and how land use planning can be used to address climate change and biodiversity loss.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 4: The VU Institute for Environmental Studies

In the fourth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Institute for Environmental Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (IVM-VU).

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 3: KLI

In the third edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI).

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 2: Plan4All

In the second edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce Plan4All, a non-profit association with a mission to advance open data and open-source technologies in spatial and urban planning.

PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 1: CzechGlobe

Welcome to the first edition of PLUS Changers in the Spotlight. In this series, we introduce each of our partners and their roles within the project. To kickstart the series, we begin by introducing our lead Partner organisation, CzechGlobe.

PLUS Change Project Launch & Kick off Meeting 

The PLUS Change project—Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a changing world—a collaborative Horizon Europe project involving representatives from 14 countries and 23 institutions, commenced with a highly successful kick-off meeting held in Prague from June 12th to 14th.