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PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 8: Baltic Studies Centre (BSC)

In the eighth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Baltic Studies Centre (BSC), located in Riga, Latvia.


The Baltic Studies Centre (BSC), located in Riga, Latvia, is a private, non-profit research institute specializing in sustainable rural and regional development, agri-food systems, agriculture, knowledge production, and innovation. Dedicated to promoting sustainable, climate-friendly behaviors, practices, and policies, BSC’s mission supports crucial transitions in these sectors. Their core values — independence, transparency, openness, quality, self-esteem, and mutual support — are fundamental to their work.

Project Role

Within Plus Change, BSC’s primary role is to provide evidence for enabling sustainable land use change and to identify incentives and policy measures to achieve sustainable land-use strategies. They also coordinate the Latvian practice case of Kaigu Peatland, in cooperation with the company Laflora, focusing on sustainable and climate-friendly peatland management. Through these roles, BSC will bring its expertise in social and environmental sciences, systems approach, and transdisciplinary and collaborative work, to the project. 


BSC is excited to be part of such a multidisciplinary project, collaborating with experts across different disciplines and partners from different regions to develop sustainable land use solutions. The project’s dynamic, multi-level approach, covering land use at different interrelated scales, is highly regarded by BSC.

“We expect the diverse disciplinary, professional, and regional backgrounds of PlusChange partners to foster mutual learning, complement each other, and result in high-impact project results that guide future land users and planners.”