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PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 15: The Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (VLM)

In the fifteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce the Vlaamse Landmaatschappij (VLM), Flemish Land Agency, lead partner for the practice case of the Flanders, in Belgium.


The Vlaamse Landmaatschappij is a Flemish government agency (BE) committed to developing resilient and vibrant open spaces. Their work includes enhancing the local countryside and open spaces to enable the area to better endure urbanisation, fragmentation and climate change. VLM collaborates on policy and invests in soil and water quality, biodiversity and infrastructure, striving for beautiful, healthy urban and rural environments.

Project Role

As a case partner in the PLUS Change project, the Vlaamse Landmaatschappij will develop the Flanders Case. This case places a strong emphasis on supporting local initiatives and elevating the overall quality of the environment. 


VLM is very excited to part of PLUS Change to improve its multifunctional and integrated project and program approaches, and to further its understanding of land use strategies for mitigating climate change, thereby improving biodiversity and planning. 

“We are excited to see how the 12 cases will mutually reinforce each other to make PLUS change a success.”