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PLUS Changers in the Spotlight 13: Verein Parc Ela

In the thirteenth edition of our series, PLUS Changers in the Spotlight, we introduce Parc Ela, our practice partner located in Switzerland.


Parc Ela is a mountainous nature park situated in the center of the canton Grisons, Switzerland. Its core mission is to serve sustainable development of the whole region of roughly 660km2 across the fields of nature & landscape, economy, culture, and education. The park is rich in diverse landscapes, with grassland-based agriculture, forest and mountainous areas.

Project Role

As a practice partner in PLUS Change Parc Ela will provide researchers with insights from practitioners, such as land users, local governments, planners etc. and in this way provide a reality check for some of the research results. A major focus for Parc Ela is on supporting the regional food system, from farm to plate.


As part of PLUS Change, they aim to trigger discussions among local decision makers and stakeholders on the possible strategies for future land use.  The PLUS Change workshops will bring together farmers, food producers, hotel and restaurant managers, as well as local politicians and planners to work on common visions for land use in Parc Ela.

“PLUS Change will inspire future-oriented thinking to support strategies for land use that successfully address future challenges.”

Photo credit: Grainfield in Parc Ela ©